●透かし – 地金を図案に沿って糸鋸や鏨で切り取ったり、彫り抜くこと。(注1)
●彫り – 鏨を用いて地金を彫り模様や図案・文字を入れる。鏨には毛彫り・片切り鏨などがあり、蹴り鏨などの刻印に近い打ち方をするものなど多くの種類がある。(注2)
●打ち出し – 地金の裏から大きく打ち出した後、表から細部を押さえていくことにより、レリーフ様の絵画的なものから置物位のものまで制作可能。(注3)
●象眼 – 本体の地金に意図する図案の溝を彫り、別の地金を嵌め込む技法。複数の象眼技法があり、本象眼と呼ばれる大きめの地金を嵌め込む方法や地金の表面に細かい目を入れて表面に金箔や金糸を打ち込む布目象眼などがある。(注4)
材 質 : 真鍮製
技 法 : 彫金
表面処理 : 研磨行程・金めっき
サイズ : h100x100
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Engraving Coaster
Engraving and (engraving), using a dedicated tool was but that I (Chisel) refers to the processing technology carve platinum, gold, silver, copper, brass, iron, aluminum, a metal such as tin.
The engraving techniques, there is such as watermark (*1) carving (*2) out and out (*3), inlaid (*4), carved and inlaid has been further divided into several types. There are also different types according to application also Chisel to be used.
● Watermark – you can cut with a coping saw and Chisel along the design bullion, that it Nuku carving.(*1)
● Carved – bullion to put a carving patterns and designs, character by using a Chisel. The Chisel include hair carved, single cut Chisel, there are many types, such as those for the swing close to the engraved, such as kick Chisel.(*2)
● Launch – after launch big from the back of the bullion, it makes it possible production from relief-like paintings ones to those figurines position to go down the details from the table.(*3)
● Inlaid – and carved a groove of design intended to bullion of the body, fitted another bullion technique. There are several of inlaid technique, there is such as grain inlaid that implanting gold leaf and gold to the surface to put a fine eye on the surface of the methods and bullion to fit a larger bullion called this inlaid.(*4)
I was allowed to introduce here “engraving Coaster” is one that performs advanced engraving by hand in cherry blossom pattern, we finish by performing processing by gold plating.
Material: Brass
Trick Method: chasing manufactured in advanced technology
Surface treatment: polishing process · Au plating treatment
Size: h100x100

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